Base: OPI DS Sapphire
Pattern: OPI Ink
It's a jumble of pattern because I was testing them out, but it came out pretty well! The lines were neatly defined, contrary to my previous attempts.
I tried it first with frosty tape like the 3M sort, but I found that for some reason, the frosty tape would sort of be corroded or weakened by the nail polish (when you paint the nail polish over the tape), so when you attempt to remove it, it tears off into shreds and leaves bits and pieces of itself on the nail. It was a mess! I tried it again with clear tape and found that it worked a lot better. The only downside to clear tape is that you can't really see the line you're pasting so you'd have to be quite careful. Frosty tape had better visualization! But I've heard from others that frosty tape was better for them, so I'm not really sure if it's just the quality of mine!
This looks sooooo awesome! The pairing of these two colors are perfect! I'm definitely going to try this out for myself.