China Glaze Millenium from the Khrome collection 2009. 1 coat.
OPI It's Totally Fort Worth It from the Texas collection 2011. 4 coats.
As you can tell already, CG Millenium is tons more opaque than the watery-thin formula of OPI It's Totally Fort Worth It. The chrome-shine of Millenium is also way more outstanding than the mere shimmer in OPI. Of course, the OPI has the pink glitter add-on but really? Compared to the blingness of Millenium, it pales a long way. Although OPI on its own looks shimmery already (like in this swatch) but when compared with the shamelessly shiny Millenium, it also begins to look dull and lifeless. The silver in it is evidently a lot more gray than Millenium, which leans towards white.
I'll say this for OPI though, at least it evens out. Even in this photo, you can pick out all the brushstroke mistakes I made with Millenium. What can I say? Beauty is unforgiving. In the close-up, you can see that OPI has a much neater, even finish, whereas Millenium has a more foil-like appearance, and dries too fast to ever even out your mistakes. Millenium reminds me of white gold, though!
And just for kicks, I thought I'd layer some China Glaze Broken Hearted (from the Crackle Glaze collection 2011) over it...
I'm not gonna lie! I'd definitely wear Millenium under Broken Hearted any day. Precisely because it's so shiny, it enhances the effect of the crackle! OPI looks fine under it, and the pink crackle brings out the pink glitter even more, but ngeh, like I said - beside Millenium, it just looks a lot more muted.
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