Monday, May 2, 2011

zoya spree and haul!

Oh boy, oh boy! I'm so excited to get down to swatching and reviewing these babies. I recently conducted a private Zoya spree amongst my friends and there was a total of 48 polishes ordered. When I finally got them all today, what else was there to do but to arrange them in order of the rainbow, as is due to my obsession with colours?

Zoya haul: isn't it a lovely day?

TA-DAH! I present to you the fruits of my Zoya spree. Obviously not all are mine. I only bought 9 for myself, the rest are bought by my friends. Isn't it a lovely sight? Here are the names:

Top row: Ginessa, Gaia, Jules (x3), Dove, Kelly, Dovima

2nd row: Shivon, Isla, Tiffany, Reva, Faye (x2), Parker, Lulu, Cassi (x2), Tanzy (x2)

3rd row:
Irene, Apple (x2), Gemma, Charla (x3), Breezi (x2), Phoebe, Crystal, Jo, Caitlin (x3)

4th row:
Marley, Ibiza, Julieanne (x2), Valerie, Adina, Mira, Kieko (x3), Reece (x2)

And here are the spoils of my own haul which I am very excited to begin swatching and reviewing as soon as my exams are over (2 more days!)

Zoya haul: what's mine's mine.

L-R: Megan Miller Collection - Carribean, Zoya Jules, Charla, Apple, Breezi, Faye, Caitlin, Kieko, Reece, Marley

The Megan Miller one is a present from my friend from the US. I've never heard of this brand but the colour is lovely! (: Seriously, cannot. wait. to. swatch.

Stay tuned!

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